We’re Baaaaaaack!!!! Maybe?

It’s been a long time since We Three Sisters of Idaho posted. I could list a myriad of excuses, COVID, life, procrastination, etc, but really, when it comes right down to it, I’m sure we all know it was most likely the baby sister’s fault. Am I right? Just kidding, of course. There has been a lot of life that has taken place in the last little while, some good, some not so good, some still yet to be determined. But I think that on the Eve of the annual Sisters Christmas Cookie/Candy Bake-a-thon that it’s a great time to begin the buzz of another round of “What Are Those Crazy Sisters Doing Now?!?” Let us know if you are ready for the next chapter of excitement as we share with you the craziness that follows these fun loving, creative, crafty, adventuring girls (ladies? Pbbbbtttt. women? Yes, we currently identify as such… Females of a Certain Age (FOCA). Stay tuned!!