The caption for this particular blog sounds much more dire than it really is....but, after we sisters have enjoyed the sole company of each other, our firstborn brother, Tim, and his lovely wife , Debbie, finally set their GPS to Meridian and spent some time with us! We were all so tickled to have them for a visit. As a matter of fact, we prepared the fatted calf (pork ribs, really) and celebrated with a communal dinner.....all the Roses and their spouses, Tim and Deb, and Devon Abrego ( only invited to keep the average age of the diners under 60!). I just did the math, the average age was 47.66666!
Now, this Thorn businesss....as there can be only a Three Idaho Roses, we need some kind of tie in for our brothers. I figured a Thorn would be better than an Aphid, right???

We couldn't fit all nine of us into the picture, and besides, everyone was getting hungry!

Follows, more pictures......Tim with our Boston, Bump......and a picture of Debbie and me, moments after we were trying to put our heads together for a pretty picture, only to Bonk each other senseless......

After a good night's sleep, we all gathered for a champagne (natch) breakfast at the Elkhorn. Brother Tim proving his prowess as "Bacon Daddy" and eschewing the honor of helping Tracy muck"....

Debbie attempting to Bonk another Engelhard senseless.....

We three sisters were so pleased with the visit, short tho it was, and are looking forward to more silliness in the future!
We couldn't fit all nine of us into the picture, and besides, everyone was getting hungry!
If you think the Roses are giddy, just try adding another Vedder, and a Vedder Spouse!! We all laughed, and told stories on one another, and had a grand time. HOWEVER, SOMETIMES WE CAN BE A TINY BIT OVERPOWERING!!! I submit, for your perusal, the following pictorial proof...
Follows, more pictures......Tim with our Boston, Bump......and a picture of Debbie and me, moments after we were trying to put our heads together for a pretty picture, only to Bonk each other senseless......
After a good night's sleep, we all gathered for a champagne (natch) breakfast at the Elkhorn. Brother Tim proving his prowess as "Bacon Daddy" and eschewing the honor of helping Tracy muck"....
Debbie attempting to Bonk another Engelhard senseless.....
We three sisters were so pleased with the visit, short tho it was, and are looking forward to more silliness in the future!
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