On, or about January 22, our middle sister, Michelle, took a spill, while hauling a cooler. Not only did she get a nasty bruise on her chin, it turns out she managed to break a bone in her foot!! The above photo is the wrapping from the emergency room. Within a few days she went to the foot surgeon, who put her in a boot, until the swelling went down, so she could have surgery to speed the healing.
Now, this is the true gist of the story, Dr. Michelle, as we like to call her, would probably change the dates, the diagnosis, and the time of treatment.......but this is MY blog, so we will go with my timeline.
The big reason for any consternation on our parts, is that Tracy and Michelle have a date with Rick Steves! in Italy! For three weeks! And Michelle is on crutches! Granted, they aren't leaving until the end of April, but nevertheless.......
Her mobility was greatly improved with the addition of one of those kneely scooter thingeys. (Again, I'm sure she knows what they are called). We remaining Idaho Roses hurried to our stricken sisters side, or, actually, when our next nail appointment occurred. We were there with words of encouragement, admonishments to not scoot around like Dale Earnhardt, and chastisements to not fall down again......
Before you knew it, she was off to surgery, pins put in, and a pretty pain free recovery. Thanks to a saddle block. Again, Tracy and I flew to her side....two weeks later.....nails again....but rest assured, we sent plenty of text messages to keep her spirits up!
In truth, she was well taken care of by hubby and kiddies.
She was not above sending us Poor Pitiful Pearl Pictures when she had a strong craving for a hot fudge sundae, and no one would get her one...
The stitches will be coming out soon, and in about four more weeks she will be able to put weight on that foot, and start the strengthening process, so she can tromp all over Italy with the best of them!
Oh, and the Little Broken Angel thing? That's how my husband refers to her now......she claims to be so angelic. Oh PU-LEESE!!
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