Birth of a Christmas Tradition
Tradition is defined as “ a belief or custom handed down from one generation to another”. Today marked the start of a new tradition, which has its roots in earlier outings with our beautiful Mom.

Look at all these beautiful ladies!!! Three generations of strong, smart, hilarious Vedder women! Starting on the left, my daughter, Jenn, her daughter (my granddaughter), Fiammetta, Auntie Tracy, Auntie Cammi, my granddaughter, Tori, her Mom (my daughter),Toni, and then ME!!

Cammi here. We shared stories of shopping with our mother. As kids, and teens, downtown Christmas shopping in Spokane was topped off with lunch in the "Empire Room" a restaurant in the basement of J C Penny's. Tracy's entree of choice was always spaghetti! As we matured, the restaurant in the Crescent was the "in place". And we then addded the restaurant at the Bon Marche. Spokane peeps, remember these eateries?
Below is a picture of the table setting waiting for us when we arrived.

Pictures taken by our hostess. (Clearly candid)

Well, I’ll let you decide what was happening here...

And, a picture of our final serving, basil tomato soup (soooooo good), tea sandwiches and sweets, of course!

I think the most important take away from this get together, is to follow the instruction on the tote bag hanging behind us...
Our family matriarch, Camelia Jeanne, decided this past summer that it would be fun to do a tea party with my daughters and their oldest (or only) daughters. Our biggest obstacle was trying to work around everyone’s crazy schedules. Yes, it’s not just the gainfully employed and intellectually stimulated, even house fraus (or ranch fraus) have schedules!!!
In Mountain Home there is this cool little cafe/shop with great food that puts on Victorian Teas. We finally got it scheduled and all arrived ready to celebrate. After a welcome “speech”, we were ready to enjoy our scones with butter and lemon curd, and our tea.
Look at all these beautiful ladies!!! Three generations of strong, smart, hilarious Vedder women! Starting on the left, my daughter, Jenn, her daughter (my granddaughter), Fiammetta, Auntie Tracy, Auntie Cammi, my granddaughter, Tori, her Mom (my daughter),Toni, and then ME!!
Cammi here. We shared stories of shopping with our mother. As kids, and teens, downtown Christmas shopping in Spokane was topped off with lunch in the "Empire Room" a restaurant in the basement of J C Penny's. Tracy's entree of choice was always spaghetti! As we matured, the restaurant in the Crescent was the "in place". And we then addded the restaurant at the Bon Marche. Spokane peeps, remember these eateries?
On another note, we all managed to use the right forks and spoons at the right time. And who knew you could get chocolate/coconut tea!?!?
Below is a picture of the table setting waiting for us when we arrived.
Pictures taken by our hostess. (Clearly candid)
(Some were ready for this shot, some were still preparing!)
Well, I’ll let you decide what was happening here...
And, a picture of our final serving, basil tomato soup (soooooo good), tea sandwiches and sweets, of course!
I think the most important take away from this get together, is to follow the instruction on the tote bag hanging behind us...
LIVE........LAUGH..........LOVE. ❤️
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