Well, Michelle has done it again! Roped the Idaho Roses into another of her schemes! This one involved Blazing Hot Sun, Rickety Ladders, Quarts of Gold Bond Hand Lotion, Several Boxes of Cheezits, and Lots of Hanging Around in ALLEYS!!!
I’ll let her explain why she led us astray........
Michelle here...what my sister refers to as a “scheme”, was actually an amazing artistic opportunity to expand our creativity and share with the world our unique talents (well, MY corner of the world). These lovely ladies entered into to this venture with willing hearts and ready paintbrushes. How to explain such a wildly diverse description of the same event is best done by presenting the facts and letting you, our gentle reader, decide for yourselves.
Community Canvas of Mountain Home began 3 years ago, the brainchild of Brenda Raub, Amber Cobos and Eric Tautfest. Each year local artists submit artwork in preparation of getting approval from business owners to paint their building’s wall in the alley. As of July 2, 2018, there are a total of 110 murals painted on the walls of 5 alleys in Mountain Home. That’s quite impressive, don’t you think?
So, now that you are equipped with facts, you KNOW that there was absolutely no arm twisting required to get my crazy sisters on board!!!!
Cammi is back.....the first photo below was early in the game, so we are all smiles. We obviously don’t know what lies (lays?) ahead.
For the record, we had planned months ahead for our mural, lots of canvases sent to Michelle, and she and her son did some mock ups on the computer. Alas! Due to construction issues by the owners, we were unable to do our mural. Not one to accept defeat easily, Michelle led us to think we had escaped the Inferno. But no! Brenda Raub found two small end walls that we could paint, and the owners requested aquariums. Undaunted, Michelle and Tracy quickly came up with two clever sketches which were quickly approved, and Away We Go!
Tracy, I lie....this is Cammi.....Tracy has been without internet for almost a week!! So, she isn’t able to post on this blog. However, I am sure that she would rave about her two very talented sisters, and how we drag her along on our adventures, which ALWAYS TURN OUT TO BE SO MUCH FUN,!!
Here you see how well I am managing the heat! Tracy and Michelle somehow ended up looking cute and cool. I, however, thanks to my German Heritage, manage to look like a brautwurst that’s been left out in the sun too long!
Isn’t that a great seahorse Tracy is painting? And Michelle’s painting tells such a cute story, of Larceny under the Sea!

What’s that, peeking out from behind the utility pole? Could it be a chicken? Under the sea? My sisters graciously allowed me to paint small parts of their murals (the background, rocks, a fish). But they each had a vision, and I was okay with them going forth with said visions. Also, I had been asked to include a chicken in one of their murals by Brenda Raub, who loves chickens and liked my original submission. So chicken painting I went!
What’s that, peeking out from behind the utility pole? Could it be a chicken? Under the sea? My sisters graciously allowed me to paint small parts of their murals (the background, rocks, a fish). But they each had a vision, and I was okay with them going forth with said visions. Also, I had been asked to include a chicken in one of their murals by Brenda Raub, who loves chickens and liked my original submission. So chicken painting I went!
You’ll notice she’s behind a pole and ground level.....which caused me to moan and groan and paint it virtually upside down. Fortunately, my Niece Jennifer (who is MUCH YOUNGER AND MORE LIMBER than I ever was) sat on the ground and added a few finishing touches.
Before I knew what was happening, Brenda took me down three more alleys and asked me to paint THREE MORE CHICKENS! On a concrete Jersey pier, a weathered wooden door, and behind a hamburger shop.....none of these surfaces easy......
Jenn helped with this one....
This was the last one....and unbeknownst to me, Brenda hadn’t obtained permission yet, but the owner loved the chicken, and I didn’t get hauled off to jail!!
Here is Tracy giving Michelle what thinks Michelle is clueless here.......
Nothing but smiles and thumbs up.
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