September Sisters
Being women of a certain age, we are all about celebrating birthday MONTHS, not birthDAY. I mean, when you’ve devoted this much time to bringing joy to all you encounter on this earth, surely there MUST be some rewards. All that to say that September is MY birthday month! We were able to plan our celebration to coincide with Artsy Raub’s Halloween themed paint n sip! But first, food and drink! Dining with my sisters is always an adventure. And, unfortunately, our server was a newbie, so they made her work. You may think they look innocent here, but if you truly know them, you know better! Shortly after ordering, our youngest sister, Tracy, discovered that she “forgot” her wallet. Fortunately, we covered her for the night. Tracy, being mildly ill, limited her imbibment to hot apple cider (with a shot of Fireball). CJ, our lightweight, chose Blue Moon......and we confirmed why she should really only drink once in a blue moon.....she became q...