THE IDAHO ROSES JOIN WEIGHT WATCHERS (Or Misery Loves Company) Well, Dear Readers, I got sucked in to another of my sisters demented schemes!! Only this time it will involve much suffering and self denial........and from ME! I don’t mind when THEY suffer and deny themselves, but to bring the Queen Mother into this is a whole new level of ridiculousness. It seems they have actually done this before. “Join us!” they said. “ It will be fun!” they said. “ You can eat anything you want.” They lied. A typical daily conversation You can eat anything you want, but it costs you POINTS....so after my first breakfast that I usually eat, I had spent most of my days points, leaving me with undressed salad and hard boiled eggs for the rest of the day! POINTS. I think that’s the new six letter curse word...Actually this is a lot of fun. I love to complain and this hits all their buttons. ...