
Showing posts from April, 2017

Not to frighten you...

One of the coolest things about hanging out with my sisters is that any decorum, reticence or self conscienceness flies right out the window!  After our mother died several years ago, we found ourselves growing closer.  And when Daddy died two years ago, we flew to each other for solace and comfort.  And vowed to spend time with each other at least four times a year. I think it was about this time that Michelle, the middle sister started her campaign to have us join her in Idaho......she sent us real estate listings, shared posts on Facebook about Idaho's wonders, and generally made a pest of herself. Tracy and her husband were the first to succumb, moving to Idaho late last summer, while I happily made plans to move to Central California to be near our daughters.  My husband put a screeching halt to those plans after spending too much time in traffic, plus all the other anti-Cali reasons.  (taxes, cost of living, politics, etc). And reluctantly, on h...

Butterfly Toast

One thing I've come to understand is that it's important to find the "special" in the "ordinary."  Sometimes it is finding a rock that is just begging to be turned into a frog 🐸 or, like on this particular day, a misshapen piece of bread that becomes butterfly toast!   I love spending time with my sisters because we find a LOT of opportunities together to find that "special" in our day.   Today started with Cammi's hair appointment.  For most people, that's just a normal part of life. But, when you are an Idaho Rose, it is a major spectacular happening!  Consults, texts, attempts at FaceTime during the appointment, pictures, ain't easy!!!  But, she emerged beautifully and ready for our lunch! This month was Greek and yummy, preceded by wheelchair races in the rain.  Then off to tea and biscuits at Cammi's house and a little birthday planning. 😜 Wrapped up the day with a visit with Tracy's children..(Br...